Rules for authors

Conference materials publications

The scientific works of the conference participants will be published in the collection, which is assigned the international index ISBN, UDC and LBC. Conference materials are sent to major libraries in Russia and abroad. The collection will be placed in the Scientific Electronic Library ( Articles published in the collection will be indexed in the RSCI system.
In accordance with Government Decree No. 27 of April 20, 2006, works published in the materials of international and all-Russian conferences are read by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation when defending dissertations (clause 11 of the resolution).

Instructions for authors!

.Materials received after the specified period or executed in violation of the specified requirements are not published and will not be returned.
In the electronic version, each article should be in a separate file, section number, surname of the first author, city. (For example: 1 Ivanov Voronezh). Place the report and the application in one file.
Articles are accepted by the organizing committee based on the results of checking articles for compliance with the technical requirements and topics of the conference directions.
We draw your attention: the editorial board of the collection reserves the right not to include in the collection articles that do not correspond to the subject matter, the specified requirements and exceed the established volume (more than 6 pages), as well as are not drawn up according to the rules.

Requirements for the materials
Materials are published in the proceedings of the conference in the author's edition and must be carefully edited by the authors.
The author is responsible for the content of the report.
The materials of the report include an abstract (up to 100 words) in Russian, keywords - at least 7 words.
Materials of reports of up to 6 pages, including figures, tables and references, should be presented on sheets of A5 format (148 × 210 mm), portrait orientation and line spacing 1.
The text of the material must be typed in a text editor Word 2003 or higher.
Formulas should be embedded in the text of the report and executed using the EquationEditor3 formula editor built into WinWord.
Figures, photographs and tables must be necessarily embedded in the text in a form convenient for the author and not go beyond the above fields.
References to the cited literature in the text of the article are indicated by a number in square brackets as they are mentioned.
Font "Times New Roman" size: UDC - 10, capital italic; title of the report - 10, capital letters, bold; surnames and initials of the authors - 9, lowercase letters; full name of the organization, city - 9, abstract - 9, lowercase italics; keywords - 9, lowercase italics; main text - 10, regular, list of cited literature - 9.
Alignment: UDC - left alignment; the title of the report - in the center, the surname and initials of the author (s), the name of the organization - in the center; annotation - in width, keywords - in the center; text of the report - in width.
Margins: top - 20 mm, bottom - 25 mm, left - 20 mm, right - 20 mm. Paragraph indent - 5 mm.

An example of a report



1Ivanov A.A., 2Petrov B.B., 2Sidorov V.V.

1 - FSBEI HE "Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan

2 - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian University of Chemical Technology. DI. Mendeleev ", Moscow

Annotation: text, text, text, test, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text.

Key words: word, word, word, word combination, word combination, word combination, word, word.
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text


The list of references should be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.05-2008.

“Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules for drawing up "

Book by one author
Pakshina S.M. The movement of salts in the soil: monograph. M .: Nauka, 1980.120 p.
Book by two authors
Sidorkina A.N., Sidorkin V.G. Biochemical aspects of traumatic illness and its complications / FGU NIITO. Ed. 2nd, rev. and add. N. Novgorod, 2009.148 p.
Book by three authors
Torikov V.E., Melnikova O.V., Torikov V.V. Growing spring barley for cereal, brewing and fodder purposes in the south-west of the central region of Russia: monograph. Bryansk: Publishing house of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, 2014.90 p.
Book of four or more authors
Diseases in cows: diagnostics / I.F. Akhtyamov [and others]. Kazan, 2008.455 p.
If necessary, if the author being referred to is not the first, you can list all authors behind the slash:
The use of an external fixation apparatus for spinal pathology / V.I. Shevtsov, V.V. Piven, A.T. Khudyaev, Yu.A. Mushtaev. M .: Medicine, 2007.112 p.
Kotikov M.V., Torikov V.E., Melnikova O.V. Ranking of modern potato varieties according to their field resistance to late blight // Agroecological aspects of sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex: materials of the International scientific and practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists (issue 1). Bryansk. 2005.S. 97-102.
Book under the title
(description of textbooks, reference books, monographs, collections, etc.)
Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the lower extremities / ed. A.A. Artemieva. Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2008.248 p.
Atlas on medical microbiology, virology and immunology: textbook. manual for students of honey. universities / ed. A.S. Bykova, A.A. Vorobyova, V.V. Zvereva. 2nd ed., Add. and revised M .: Med. inform. agency, 2008.272 p.
Proper nutrition: a guide. M .: Eksmo, 2008.704 p.
Feed production in Russia: All-Russian collection. scientific. Art. Issue 3rd. Kazan-SPb., 2007.268 p.
Description of dissertations, author's abstracts of dissertations:
Belozerov I.V. Religious policy of the Golden Horde in Russia in the XIII-XIV centuries: dis. ... Cand. ist. Sciences: 07.00.02: approved. 15.07.02. M., 2002.215 p.
I.G. Nazarov Development of the communicative competence of social teachers in the village in the process of additional professional education: author. for a job. academic step. Cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.08 - theory and technique of the prof. Education M., 2002.24 p.
Description of a separate volume of a multivolume edition under a general heading
Paltsev M.A., Anichkov M.N. Pathological anatomy: in 2 volumes. M .: Medicine, 2001. T. 2, h. 1.736 p.
Description of a separate volume of a multivolume edition under the general title
Internal diseases: textbook / ed. ON. Mukhina, V.S. Moiseeva, A.I. Martynov. Ed. 2nd, rev. and add. Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2008.T. 1.368 p.
Description of a chapter from a book, from a collection
Makushin V.D., Volokitina E.A. Causes of failures and complications when performing supporting osteotomies using the Ilizarov apparatus // Treatment of congenital hip dislocation in adults / ed. IN AND. Shevtsova, V.D. Makushina. Kurgan, 2004. Ch. 8, pp. 372-402.
Belous N.M. Keeping warm memories of the past // Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. in the history of my family: collection of articles / edited by R.V. Novozheeva. Bryansk: BSAU Publishing House, 2015.S. 4-5.
Description of articles from magazines
One author:
Prosyannikov E.V. Device for separating soil samples from plant residues // Pochvovedenie. 1979. No. 11. S. 162-164.
Two authors:
Prosyannikov E.V., Karpenchuk G.K. Activity of calcium ions in the soils of Transnistria of Ukraine as an indicator of their chlorosis hazard for apple orchards // Pochvovedenie. 1982. No. 9. S. 116-121.
Three authors:
Sazonova N.V., Luneva S.N., Stogov M.V. Dynamics of biochemical parameters of blood serum in outpatient treatment. Bulletin of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after V.I. N.N. Priorov. 2008. No. 3. S. 52-56.
Four or more authors:
Clinical and physiological components of congenital clubfoot / Yu.I. Klychkova [et al.] // Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2008. No. 3. S. 35-38.
Assessment of blood supply by ultrasound diagnostics / V.A. Shchurov, S.O. Muradisinov, I.V. Shchurov, S.P. Boychuk // Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. 2008. No. 3. S. 39-41.
Description of regulatory documents
Certificate of authorship:
Method for treating false joints: Ed. St. 835421 USSR. No. 2764100 / 28-13 / Ivanov I.I .; declared 05/07/1979; publ. 06/07/81, Bul. 21.2 s.
Corrective device for the spinal column: US Pat. 2128021 Rus. Federation. No. 97101617/14 / Ivanov I.I .; declared 01/31/97; publ. 27.03.99, Bul. No. 9. 3 p.
GOST R 7.0.5-2008. Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules for drawing up. M .: Standartinform, 2008.38 p.
Description of electronic resources
Electronic resource for local access:
Technique of spinal anesthesia [Electronic resource] / ed. EAT. Shifman. M .: IntelTek, 2005.1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM).
Electronic resource for remote access:
Ivanova A.E. Mortality problems in the regions of the Central Federal District // Social aspects of population health. 2008. No. 2. URL: (date of access: 15.08.2008).
On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation: Feder. Law of June 24, 2007 N209-FZ (as amended and supplemented). Access from ref. -the legal system "Garant". Source:
Travin Andrey. Three search engines of the Runet, not counting Google [Electronic resource]. - Mode

If you have any questions, please contact us in any convenient way:

Tel: +7-927-036-57-19 Fazullina Alsu Asgatovna
Tel: +7-927-418-71-67 Madyakina Almira Mustakimovna

Department of Engineering Ecology
2021 year

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